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  1. 让使用Permalink的WordPress 3.3.2也支持中文搜索

    Wordpress 3.3.2 Search Request with Permalink

    在Wordpress 3.3.2中,如果设置了Permalink (not selecting default in Settings->Permalinks->Common Settings),当用户搜索的时候,原本index.php?s=THINGS_YOU_WANT_TO_SEARCH的GET请求形式(如Figure 1)会变成search/THINGS_YOU_WANT_TO_SEARCH(如Figure 2)。这样能够使URL变得更加富含语意(semantic)。但是,当THINGS_YOU_WANT_TO_SEARCH中包含特殊字符,如#, ?,或者其他语言,如中文,的时候,问题就来了:使用前面非Permalink的搜索GET请求可以正常搜索,而使用后面Permalink形式的搜索GET请求则不能够进行搜索, Continue reading...

  2. Alfred Extension: Skype-Call 1.0

    An Alfred extension to make Skype phone call to the phone number selected by Alfred’s Address Book feature. If the Skype hasn’t been opened yet, this extension will open it and ensure it is online before starting the phone call. When making a phone call, this extension won’t change your Skype online status, and no Continue reading...

  3. Quartz-like Crystals Found in Planetary Quartz-like crystals found in planetary disks

    NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has, for the first time, detected tiny quartz-like crystals sprinkled in young planetary systems. The crystals, which are types of silica minerals called cristobalite and tridymite, can be seen close-up in the black-and-white insets (cristobalite is on the left, and tridymite on the right). The main picture is an artist’s concept Continue reading...

  4. LDBL_MAX -1.#QNAN0e+000 with MinGW?

    I have tried to run this with both eclipse(CDT)+MinGW and Cygwin+GCC [code lang=”c”] int main() { puts("The range of "); printf("tlong double is [%Le, %Le]∪[%Le, %Le]n", -LDBL_MAX, -LDBL_MIN, LDBL_MIN, LDBL_MAX); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } [/code] but got different results: In eclipse(CDT)+MinGW The range of long double is [-1.#QNAN0e+000, 3.237810e-319]∪[6.953674e-310, 0.000000e+000] In Cygwin+GCC The range of long Continue reading...