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  1. How to Set a Key Binding in Sublime Text Based on the File Type the Command Is Running on

    In my Sublime Text 3, I use JsFormat to format my javascript source code. Its key binding follows:

    I have noticed that the JsFormat used the selector context operand to make sure that the js_format command would only run on file types “.js”, “.json” or “.html”. This is to avoid key clashes with other Continue reading...

  2. Universal Keyboard Shortcuts for Text Editing

    When editing text, the following list of keyboard shortcuts should work universally across applications and operating systems. For example, in Microsoft Word, in Internet browsers, in Unix-like system’s terminal, or in those text editors. They will work if they are not conflicting with existing application specific shortcuts. They should become your muscle memory to enable Continue reading...

  3. Alfred Workflow: Skype Call 2.0

    An Alfred workflow to make Skype phone call to the phone number selected by Alfred’s Contacts feature. If the Skype hasn’t been opened yet, this workflow will open it and ensure it is online before starting the phone call. When making a phone call, this workflow won’t change your Skype online status, and no annoying confirmation dialog Continue reading...