Life Archives

Em, I m living in this world.

  1. Fate Stay Night~

    马上要开学了,为了抓紧时间在开学前把博客的所有内容弄好 ,又熬了一夜~ 彻底变成Fate Stay Night啦。 不过看着自己的成果,兴奋得好像刚睡醒一样。呵呵,好像找到点第一次接触电脑的感觉。那时,我是用Windows自带的画笔程序熬了一夜。当时那股兴奋劲就别提啦~ 还有,这篇post是通过电子邮件发送,以作为测试服务器的cron job。 Continue reading...

  2. During the orientation days

    During the orientation days, I took part in many activities such as BBQ, lecture for new students, outgoing… It’s really relax during this period, but I believe the terrible time will soon come to me. I have many many courses per week, just cuz my major is Computer Science. Don’t like those ppl studying business, Continue reading...

  3. Ready to go

    I m now staying at home and preparing things for leaving China. Time flies! The year 2007 has come, but I can’t forget 2006. Many things have happened to me in the past year, extremely in the end of 2006, my grandma left me and have gone far far away. Things always happen unconsciously and Continue reading...

  4. My Crystal Reports ~ :)

    今天老师教我们如何使用Visual Studio中集成的Crystal Reports(水晶报表)来制做显示在WinForm中的报表。哈哈,Crystal Reports的强大功能真令人兴奋。简单的几个步骤就能作出非常漂亮的报表来。以下便是我第一次用Crystal Reports做的报表啦: Continue reading...